
Travel Vietnam - Saudi Arabia yes authentic safe?

Have you ever thought of Saudi Arabia as a tourist destination? Surely this place is still strange to Vietnamese tourists as well as hidden many mysteries. And is it safe to travel to Saudi Arabia? The answer will be detailed by Vietnam visa in the following article.

1. General introduction to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is located in the Middle East region, where there is a rather unstable political and ethnic situation in the world. But in contrast to the general situation of the region, this country is quite developed and rich. This is considered one of the 17 most worth-visiting countries in the world with more than 15 million visitors a year, many of which are Muslim pilgrims.

This country is also extremely attractive to tourists with great destinations and resorts. Saudi Arabia has more than 1150 islands in the Red Sea and 150 islands in the Persian Gulf. That is why many guests always rate Saudi Arabia as the country that owns the most beautiful and quality resorts in the world. Surely you want to book cheap flight tickets to explore this country right away. However, first find out if it is safe to travel.

2. Is it safe to travel to Saudi Arabia?

The question of whether it is safe to travel to Saudi Arabia is not entirely relative. In fact, traveling to any country has potential unsafe risks. And through this article, VietAIR wants to present to you the biggest potentials that you can avoid when traveling to Saudi Arabia.

2.1 The problem of pickpocketing and robbery

According to a ranking based on the country's level of safety and danger, Saudi Arabia ranks 108th in the world for safety. Violent crime has always been kept fairly low, and it's very rare for any visitor to experience this problem while in the inner city.

However, one of the problems travelers can face quite often is pickpocketing, especially during pilgrimages (usually by refugees from other countries). However, this country always has police everywhere, so when you have a problem with pickpockets, go to the police to get help.

Vietnam visa also has an advice to you that if you want to withdraw money from an ATM card, go to the banks, because in this country dishonest acts with ATM cards take place a lot. This is similar when you pay for goods and services by card. So take good care of your ATM card.

2.2 Female tourists should pay attention when traveling to Saudi Arabia

When traveling to Saudi Arabia, female tourists need to be especially careful about a few things because this country has quite strict rules and regulations. Female tourists need to behave and dress appropriately in front of the crowd so as not to go against the rules here. For example, you cannot wear tight, revealing clothes, ... But must wear abaya and a headscarf when going out. When traveling alone, you also limit your travel at night to avoid harassment. If you book cheap flight tickets to Saudi Arabia, you need to pay close attention to this issue.

In Saudi Arabia there are also many slums around the city. Those are places that hide many risks of social evils, diseases, etc. So to stay safe, you should not go to these slums.

2.3 Borders with other countries

The two border areas that hide the most insecurity when traveling to Saudi Arabia that you should avoid are the border with Yemen and the border with Iraq. The border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen is frequented by ballistic missiles and lethal weapons, while the border with Iraq is the city of Arar, where the political situation is quite complicated.

This article has given you a very detailed answer on whether it is safe to travel to Saudi Arabia. Wish you have a very happy travel.

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